Monday, January 01, 2007

Reading The Bible In One Year

There are many ways to read the Bible in one year. Churches publish reading plans, Tyndale House publishes the popular One Year® Bible, and there are online resources. An online resource is the one that I am using for 2007. Thunder Software and have joined together to create an online one year Bible reading plan. You can access it at Simply click on the month in the column on the left. Select your language and version preference (I like the NIV and contrast it with KJV), then click on the day number in the columns in the middle. A new window with today's reading will pop up for you.
The study of God's word is essential for any believer, especially for the believer who is wanting to hear from God and to clearly understand their call and purpose in this life. I encourage you to engage in a daily study of God's word. A one year reading plan is a valuable way to ensure that you have read all of God's word.

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