Sunday, January 14, 2007

Back in Paradise

There are few words that can adequately describe the beauty of El Salvador, especially this time of year. The country is in its brief dry season where the days are sunny and the winds off the Pacific Ocean are almost always blowing.
This trip to El Salvador was not my first, but actually my third. Those prior two trips occurred in 2001, just after the country had been rocked by back-t0-back serious earthquakes on the same day of the month in both January and February 2001. My travels took me there in May and again in July for the purpose of helping to rebuild Assembly of God churches that had been destroyed in the earthquakes.
Even though the country was in ruins back in 2001, the beauty of this nation was shining through. Not in the structures or the scenery, although beauty was to be found in both of these area. No, the beauty that shown through was from the people. People who, in spite of the tragedy that they had just endured, were overflowing with friendliness and welcomed us with open arms. I experienced the same reception from the people this week.
Anyone who knows me knows that my heart is for children. My desire is to bring hope to children, to love them, and to encourage them. Below are some of the faces of children I was able to encounter during this trip to El Salvador. I hope you can see the true beauty of this country in these faces.

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