Monday, August 06, 2007

Shiny Objects

Tammy has been attending a minister's training program at Winston Park Church of nearly a year. This is a classroom based study program that leverages curriculum developed by Global University for their correspondence education program at Berean School of the Bible. Tammy started this program in September 2006 and completed it in July 2007. Her graduation service was yesterday. In spite of a slow start, she graduated at the top of her class with the highest overall GPA. As the top graduate in her class, she was asked to make a speech to the congregation of the church. Here is the text of her speech.
Have you ever had a deadline at work or at school and even though it was approaching fast, you could suddenly find so many other things of no importance to do instead?

Some people call them distractions or diversions. I call them shiny objects. Do you know that the phrase shiny objects cannot be found in the Bible? At least that is what I thought, but an example of it is found in Matthew 16:23, when Jesus said, “Get behind me Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.” Satan is the biggest shiny object; he does not want us to succeed in what God has called us to do.

Because of shiny objects, I almost failed to finish the school year. You see, it took me failing the first three tests to recognize a shiny object. For me the shiny objects were things like taking a nap after only studying for ten minutes, or cleaning a closet after reading the first essay question. Therefore, to help me recognize shiny objects I started to state out loud the phrase “Shiny Object.” My husband, Wayne, even starting helping me do this. Whenever he saw me feeding the ducks in our back yard or watching TV when my books would be sitting on the study desk, opened, but not being used, he would cry out “Shiny Object.”

One of the biggest shiny objects for me was when I started to think that I could not do this program and wanted to give up. The shiny objects of “I don’t really need this program. It’s not as if I’m ever going to pastor a church one day. I’m already where God wants me. I’m a missionary.” Or, the shiny object of “I’m too old to be in school now, why should I be bothered at my age with test and essays?”

However, when I learned to call out the distraction I was able to study better and pass all the other tests. I was even able to retake the three tests I had failed and pass them as well. Yes, the shiny objects were still there, but I did not let them
stop me from the task.

What about you? Are there any shiny objects in your life that stop you from doing what God has called you to do? If so, just state out loud “Shiny Object” and get started, do not let anything be a stumbling block.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

I can relate to what you are saying, and you found a perfect way to put it! Thanks for the reminder to keep first things first, and not be distracted by "shiny objects" in our lives.