While several of us focused on improving our hand-eye coordination with the table games, others took to the water. The pool at our conference facility had a unique feature. A Plexiglas portal that allows those who are in the dining patio to watch from below those who are swimming. Or, as in this case, to allow those who are swimming to peek in on those who are dining.
As much fun as the sports were, they were nothing in comparison to the final evening send-off. If you have been on many missions trips, you know that your last night at the ministry location is usually filled with some type of thank-you celebration. Thursday night was our celebration night. This was the night when the leadership team in Peru presented me with my very own bronze lama. I have it on full display in my office. It reminds me every day of my first official trip with Book of Hope as the International Director of The GodMan. However, every time I look at it, I cannot help but to let out a little giggle and grin. You see, although I've been to many countries and attended many closing ceremonies, I've never experienced one like this one. A ceremony equipped with everything I expected, and one thing I didn't -- dancing girls.
These were not just any type of dancing girls. These were God's dancing girls. They were like David is described in 2 Samuel 6:14, "And David danced before the LORD with all his might." These young ladies were dancing for God, in traditional indigenous Peruvian dress and with dances that represented the various regions of the country. It was a celebration of praise to the Lord through spirit-filled dance.
While there was a lot of work done in Peru, there was also sufficient fun and enjoyment. I hope these pictures give you a small flavor of the week. And, if you happen to see any pictures with me up there dancing with the ladies, please destroy them immediately.
Hey...Where did that picture come from? How did it get on my blog? What is going on here? Just ignore that really tall Peruvian in the traditional gold shirt and green pants. Besides, he doesn't look anything like me!
Sincerely, it was a week of great fun. Lots of work, but also lots of fun. It is one that I will never forget.
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