Saturday, January 07, 2006

No Fear

Today was another great day in the life of Rebecca. It did not start the way she wished, as the clock went off at 3:00AM. And there may have been a few times during the day when she was not totally happy. However, all in all, it was a day of adventure that she truly enjoyed. Today was the day that we flew to Chicago for two services this weekend. Rebecca has flown before and always enjoys the experience. Today was no exception.

Rebecca is the type of person who simply looks certain fears in the face and laughs at them. We saw that today during our flight. There was a point in the flight when the pilot had just turned off the seatbelt sign and said it was safe to get up. In less than a minute we hit some very serious turbulence. While those all around us were "white knuckled" as they grasped their seats and arm rests, Rebecca was looking to Dad and then to Mom and laughing. Where others saw fear, she saw excitement.

In First John 4:18, we get a little bit of insight into the source of Rebecca's attitude. In the King James Version, it reads "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." Rebecca, setting there between Mom and Dad, two people who love her dearly, and knowing Jesus in her heart, was able to look at an event that was inducing fear in all those around her and laugh it off. God continually amazes me at the life lessons that I am learning from a 13-year-old child who cannot walk or talk, but who is at perfect peace with her Lord and about her life.

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